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tv   CBS 5 News  CBS  December 8, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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concord, where firefightersd e hazmat crew have good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. we begin with breaking news in concord where firefighters and the hazmat crew have rushed to a supermarket about 20 people at the food mat on monument boulevard complained of a chemical smell and told emergency responders they quote felt weird. initially the fire department could not find the source of the smell. so county hazmat teams are now investigating to try to figure out what if anything is wrong. no customers were taken to the hospital. updating a developing story in sacramento where a standoff between police and an armed man inside a jack in the box is over. around 1:00 police say the man took two women hostage after he tried to rob the restaurant. after four hours police shot the suspect. both hostages made it out safely. >> it's very unfortunate it hand to end this way. and -- had to end this way.
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and the safety of those inside the restaurant as well as those of the community surrounding the enrant was just pair -- restaurant was just pair mount. >> his condition is not known. we are barely halfway through the weekend and oakland police are already investigating their third suicide in just hours. the latest happened near jack london square around 2:45 this afternoon. the person was pronounced dead at the scene. an id has yet to be released and police are still looking for the shooter. >> generally feel safe. and this is really unfortunate. at the same time i think that it could happen in a lot of places. >> there were two other deadly shootings in oakland last night including this one from a 5- year-old girl reportedly found her mom dead in the kitchen. a bomb squad blew up that pipe bomb at a high school in pleasant hill early this
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morning. officers say they found it in an suv with fife teens in the parking lot. two of them were arrested for possession of explosive and were released this their parents. police say the teens also blew up a mailbox a few blocks away. and an early morning fire that damaged a restaurant in alameda is being called suspicious. arson investigators are combing through the charred american oak restaurant on santa clara avenue. they have found three spots where flames erupted and damage estimated at $150,000. well, barely month old the bay area's newest outlet mall has a new owner and new name. simon property group announced it's buying the paragon outlets in livermore. it will now be named the livermore valley premium outlets. the more than half a million square foot shopping center is home to 130 stores. stone ridge shopping center in nearby pleasanton is owned by the same company. san francisco's muni system is celebrating the completion of two track and street
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improvement projects. the upgrades the tracks and signals and on carl street. and at church and duboce they provided a dedicated bike lane and improved boarding islands. also added street argument and decorative -- art and decorative fixtures. a recent effort to provide free muni passes in san francisco provoked a lot of debate. now muni officials are talking about another idea that could be even more controversial. cbs 5 reporter anne makovec on the plan to base fares on ability to pay. >> reporter: the san francisco municipal transportation agency is thinking of changing the way you pay for transit. instead of basing fares on age or disability muni is thinking of basing prices on a person's income. >> well, that makes -- makes sense. >> i make less money so i feel all right about that. >> i think that's great. >> reporter: they have been talking for months about allowing low mcyouths to ride
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for free. this would go well beyond that. >> it would have to work on exactly how this would work but there would be some sort of financial record that would have to be proven. to get a discount hike that. >> reporter: riders have mixed feelings on that. >> the government has all the records. what i make anyway. so it's -- one other branch of government having the records of what i make. >> yeah, i don't want my information scattered here and there. i don't know where it'd end up. >> reporter: a spokesperson thinks the program would be a wash financially with others paying less. >> we might see an increase in ridership can that can only help. >> reporter: but seniors and disabled people still get the discount of at least 50%. it's federal law. right now the discount is more like 66%. the bay area's lead transit planning body is already conducting a study on the issue which means it could go beyond muni possibly to b.a.r.t. all facilitated by the new clipper card system. but right now, it's muni that's full steam ahead.
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>> we're one of the largest transit agencies in the country and we'd be one of the first to look at something like that. >> reporter: staffers will be drawing up a plan in early 2013. and if it's approved the system could be put in place that same year. in san francisco, anne makovec, cbs 5. coming up the kind of place where memories were made. >> i remember trying to put my arm around my first girlfriend. >> one of the iconic movie houses possibly heading to the last show. >> from the cbs 5 weather center. good evening everybody. heading on out to hp pavilion, no hockey being played there tonight but we have the forecast for sunday football action for your san francisco 49ers. as eyewitness news continues right here on cbs 5. ,,,,,,
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çoç5 [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible. november. almost everyone was expecting a lousy jobs report out of november. so this was a pleasant surprise, the economy added 146,000 jobs last month. not great by it's a -- but it's a lot better than expected. it dropped to the lowest level in four years. mostly because of the people
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who stopped looking for work. well, there are other indicators that the economic outlook is improving. for years companies have been cutting back on holiday parties. this year, local restaurants and party venues say the parties are back. cbs 5 reporter don knapp is in san francisco where more employees are celebrating the season. don? >> reporter: ann, i don't know how reliable this is as an indicator of the economy but they're counting office parties can they're really up. when the economy goes bad first things to go are the perks, but right now it looks like the parties are back. they're back. holiday office parties. this isn't one right now but pier 23 is all pumped up about parry reservations. >> it's getting off to a good start. we have quite a few parties booked. had a few yesterday. >> reporter: chased away so many office parties over the past few years that as if you as 74% of companies held them
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last year. that was down from a high in 2006 of 95%. this year it's claimed 91% of offices will have parties. good for employees? and good for bars and restaurants. >> you know we're not a huge restaurant so like $5,000. >> $5,000? >> well a little buyout you know can be -- can be you know 10, 15, 20 but that's getting the whole place. >> reporter: guests arriving at this off scythe location will find themselves at one of the more upscale office parties, this is the fairmont at top knot hill. >> certainly the volume is back to where we were almost in 2008 and i'm really confident next year we'll exceed that. >> reporter: an airport security equipment company. 250 guests, live music and a sit-down dinner. what's the party cost here? the manager tom clean will work are you. >> i can do a party from $3,000 to $1 million. >> reporter: remember that, tom clean will work with you. so what are you waiting for?
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ann. >> all right got a new pitchman apparently. don. thanks so much. not just holiday parties making a comeback during the commission recovery. new survey shows people are buying more beer, wine and liquor. alcohol sales at restaurants jumped up to nearly $94 billion last year. that's almost a 5% increase from the year before. researchers also expect that number to go up for 2012 and beyond. well, another sign the economy is improving. development is picking up again. and that can mean curtains for this bay area landmark. >> mostly cloudy skies across the bayer right now. rain back in the forecast. the -- bay area right now. the rain back in the forecast. the pinpoint seven day forecast as eyewitness news continues on cbs 5. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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,,,, when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank.
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oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. area's old movie houses are and now - one we bun many of the bush by one many of -- by one many of the by area movie houses are disappearing. cbs 5 reporter patrick sedillo on the memories and the uncertain future at the dome. >> hi can i get two for the movie please? >> reporter: affectionately known to locals as the dome theater it's home to art house movies and big blockbusters
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flood into cineplexes. >> it's an icon in pleasant hill. it's a well-known place with lot of policemenries for people. >> i remember trying to put my arm around my first girlfriend though. that took me half of the movie. >> reporter: the movie house might soon be making the wrecking ball to make way for among other things a sporting goods store. >> i don't think we need another sporting goods store. we have plenty of them. >> reporter: neither were any of the employees, we couldn't even get the camera inside. but i did meet dozens of people with a treasure-trove of memories right here at this theater. >> "jaws." >> you're going to need a bigger boat. >> "star wars." >> my wife and i came to our first movie here, the godfather. >> i'm going to make him an officer he can't refuse. >> reporter: they have been trying to do this for years and they're coming closer because of the comeback of the economy. they need approval. ray owns the loaded hog saloon
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next door. he's out too. >> besides losing the business, you know it's like losing a family. i'm crying inside, it's terrible. >> reporter: reporting from pleasant hill. patrick sedillo, cbs 5. >> one of the many people who grew up going to that theater roberta. it would be sad to see it go. >> you know i remember the days of the good old drive-in theater. i was just back in barstow a couple of weekends ago. they still have the drive-in theater. >> they're fading everywhere. >> you know you might want to think about outdoor activities at least for the next couple of days. good evening everybody. sure we have clouds out there right now but i fired up the live hi-def doppler radar, no precipitation within the bay area at all. over the mount have coo area. again no precipitation albeit on the cloudy side. this is a scene. it's live it's our cbs 5 weather camera looking out to the embarcadero center with it brightly lit up.
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very festive. the city is hopping tonight. lots of activities going on. it is currently 54-degree in san francisco after a high today of 59 degrees. that's one degree above average. santa rosa already fallen into the low 50s. that's gown to be one of the coldest locations across the bay area tonight. with 37 degrees in the offing there. otherwise upper 30s from napa a little bit colder than that in glen ellen. martinez and american canyon all in the upper 30s as well and then the eastern portion of the district, 30s will be common and upper 30s and low 40s around the peninsula. 41-degrees in downtown san jose. tonight all the clouds out there will gradually begin to break up but we will see some pockets of fog in throughout the northern portion of the bay area in the valleys as well as the delta. otherwise tomorrow, sunny. breezy. and warmer. and the extended forecast calls for rain to return right here to the bay area by midweek. we will have that seven day forecast coming up but right now all those clouds. look at this right here.
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this is an area of low pressure to the north of the bay area. those clouds are renegade clouds. drifting away if the main system providing the rain showers around the pacific northwest. and then the snow in the cascades. those clouds right there across that northwestern section of the state breaking up because now with the high pressure building in from the eastern pacific. the proximity of the area of high pressure will contribute to an offshore component which means lots of clear skies, sunny, but as it builds in northwest winds up to 15. above 1,000 feet however, some gusts up to 30 miles an hour. now let's go ahead and track this with our futurecast. we're cloudy right now. clouds begin to sweep away. in fact it's already clearing now just across the northern portion of the bay area. these clouds break up all the way through your sunday. official is upup is at 7:40 -- sunup is at 7:14. and all day long, we're talking about sunshine from the coast through the central bay into our inland areas. so how does that play out for
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1:05 kickoff? san francisco 49ers playing host to the miami dolphins bright sunshine. with a high of 64 degrees. again a little bit on the breezy side though so you might want to dress in layers. let's go ahead and pinpoint your neighborhood forecast. temperatures pretty uniform in the 60s along the immediate seashore including the beaches. also into the avenues and ocean beach. 0s will be common all the way through bailment and brisbane. 63-degrees in morgan hill. all the numbers basically span 62 to 67 degrees. 64 napa. there you have north of the bridge into the 60s. otherwise the seven day forecast we've talked about rain showers. yes, that will begin to clear out some of the stagnant air quality that we'll see in the eastern bay tomorrow. meanwhile there you have it. the five day forecast with rain returning by wednesday into thursday. and then unsettled weather conditions all the way through saturday. that's your pinpoint forecast. hey vern glenn did you hear the 49ers forecast? >> i love it.
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i love it. in fact i'll be in layers tomorrow. don't worry. but ahead hey weekend week the nfl is slapped by a tragic incident. and the 2012 heisman trophy is in possession of a football great. we'll tell you who in a moment. don't move. ,, for over 60,000 california foster children, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. everything's different now. sometimes i feel all alone. christmas used to be my favorite. i just don't expect anything.
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what if santa can't find me? to help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight.
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and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years. aids is strong. aids is strong. but we are stronger. and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪ johnny manzell of texas a&m, notre dame linebacker mantio & qb c 2012 john w. heisman award three man race.
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quarterback johnny manziel of texas a&m, notre dame linebacker manti te'o and quarterback collin klein of kansas state. the downtown athletic club in new york, the site. >> the 2012 winner of the heisman memorial trophy is -- johnny manziel. [ cheering and applause ] >> johnny manziel. yep, johnny touchdown. of texas say and m the winner. he becomes the first freshman now he's a red shirt freshman. to win the award. notre dame linebacker manti te'o finished second. collin klein of kansas state finished third. >> grandpa, all the times we used the play in the hallway and throw the ball until we couldn't anymore. i love you with all my heart and you've inspired me to play football. to grandma i'm so sorry for all the things we broke in the house. sobering news here.
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unbelievably for the second straight week tragedy truck the nfl. this time with the dallas cowboys. starting defensive tackle josh brent was leaving a dallas nightclub and was speeding when his car flipped over. inside was close friend jerry brown a linebacker just signed off the practice squad. brown was killed in the accident. he and his wife were expecting their first child. this is brent's mug shot as he was arrested and charged with intoxicated manslaughter. he is currently being held without bond. the last saturday chiefs linebacker belcher shot and killed his girlfriend and then himself in kansas city. the cannons go off in philadelphia. joe biden the vp greeting army/navy players before kickoff. navy in white. scored with five minutes to go on a quarterback keeper. that's keenan reynolds. now army they were trying to end a ten year drought to these guys. they were driving over a minute left. they were in the red zone when
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harry dixon fumbled it away. the midshipmen make it 11 straight over the football rival final from philadelphia 17-13. nba, and the warriors -- they are not fooling around at all. they just wrapped up business in the nation's capital. now hold on to something. steph curry got hurt. playing defense here. got clipped. yeah tweaked that ankle and left the game but he did return. three minutes left the w.s getting all the bounces. missed rebound clay thompson. he hits his fifth three pointer of the night. warriors up six. next possession, look at david lee get loose with the left hand. lee scored 24 points. 17 rebounds. warriors win it 101-97. at the 20 game mark, the warriors are 13-17. it went viral on the internet this week. when 49er head coach jim
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harbaugh had an acting role while playing with the indianapolis colts. the year was 1996. the show? "saved by the bell the new class." and you know dennis o'donnell brought that up when the two spoke a couple of days ago. [ cheering and applause ] >> my acting career has gone downhill since "saved by the bell." >> but this is my cousin the real jim harbaugh. >> my friend eric learned the hard way that being famous does not make you a hero. >> did you hit all the lines on a first take or was that how many takes? >> i don't recall. the show was a lot of overacting though. it was not real good. >> anything for a friend of my cuz. >> what was your wife's reviews? >> about the hair style. got a lot of -- you know. lot of ribbing. >> i thought the hair was pretty good. listen, i'll just give you one piece of advice.
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don't quit your day job. okay? [ laughter ] >> i've heard a few times this week. >> i bet. even from your wife that's not good. >> all right. join us following tomorrow's dolphins and niner game. we'll have the fifth quarter show and player interviews and all kinds of analysis. the one line he gets right every week? who's got it better than us? nobody. >> right. >> let's hope they can win tomorrow. >> we'll see. >> thank you much. all right luxury car owners in the south they are looking for their car. and the dealer who was supposed to sell the cars for them. they've all disappeared without a trace. the snafu turning bay area buyers into sellers into big losers. that's straight and more tonight at 10:00 on the cw and at 11:00 right here on cbs 5. that's going to do it for eyewitness news. we'll see you at 11:00, until then your news is always on at good night. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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i'm on the row. santana row. and it's the place to be. good lord. >> ta-da! >> did you buy the whole store? we'll share our top ideas for holiday must have items for everyone on your list. >> must have pacifiers just above 10 dollars. >> of course i always follow my nose and find my way to good eats. plus we'll share a holiday recipe with you at home. -- on your list. >> a mustache pacifier is $5. >> and i always follow my nose and find some hello and welcome to "eye on the bay." i'm liam mayclem. coming to you from what


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